Harry finds out that remus and sirius betrayed him for making him marry snape fanfiction

Harry finds out that remus and sirius betrayed him for making him marry snape fanfiction. Your safe I'm right here" Harry said in a soothing tone. Remus sounded tired, so tired that Hermione stopped protesting, wriggled out of her Grandpa's arms and tottered out of the room. Sirius had allowed Hagrid to take him to Dumbledore, which led him to living with the Dursley's. " Harry watched as the man left. Ginny reached out and gently took Remus' hand. "Petrificus totalus!" He cried, pointing it at Wormtail, and then he transformed. Sirius passed on and Harry finds out about the Prophecy, but thanks to a certain beautiful Slytherin, he finds out that Dumbledore lied to him. He let Harry go through first, reasoning that if Peter was there, he would find it less suspicious, as Harry often came over during the holidays. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black had just explained what had happened one full moon night in their sixth year. Sirius takes him in by bits, then all at once; there's a face that seems to be carved in marble, filled with hate; then a body, lean and strong, outlined by an impeccable black and silver robe; the hair, short and wild Sirius Black was his godfather, he was innocent, then he hears what happened the night his parents died. He loathed those two boys as well as their friends Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. "He ensured Harry would be taken away so Sirius couldn't take him as he should have. It was a truth Remus believed down to his very core, a truth he believed in stronger the longer he was away from Harry. Rewriting. Saw what Voldemort did to him. These are the romantic relationships, with Alphas being listed first, followed by a Beta if there is one, then the Omegas. Sirius had not meant for Snape to find out. Sirius and Remus showed Harry around the house, including the cellar, then to Harry's surprise the two men wanted to fly with him. " Obediently, Harry obeyed shocking Sirius, until he realized that Harry could follow orders but was not aware of it. Dobby followed him upstairs and when Harry found the room it wasn't too bad. He goes to Godric’s Hollow and finds out that James is his adoptive father and his biological father is Snape. He has to… Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived, and everyone knows it, including one Severus Snape, who instantly loathes him. A story about throwing off expectations, coming to terms with the past, and learning to really live. [Day 2] Harry then wakes up and decides to visit Dudley at his new residence with his new girlfriend. Wrong-boy-who-lived. I love her more than anything. Dumbledore did not look happy and tried one more time to convince Harry to let him handle it and go back to his relatives. What happens when he finds out he has other family? What will happen to those who have betrayed Harry? And when did Voldemort become sane? This story is A/U and as of right now I'm not sure on pairings! Starts summer after 5th year but both Cedric and Sirius are alive! If our Harry is still young when this has taken place, then we wish to ensure he is well taken care of. He won't stop, he won't talk to him… Then Vernon Dursley wraps his hands around Harry's throat and any plan he had is out the window. Events of Harry's childhood will be shown in flashbacks as the story begins at the end of Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts. " Snape just glared at him. Remus had a very trying few years trying to cope with Sirius's depression from what the traitor Potter, Sirius supposed soulmate did too him. Heeding Hermione's request, Remus and Sirius remained silent. It was Wormtail who had betrayed the Potters' whereabouts to the Dark Lord as well. Snape's rooms more comfortable than the other places. Some others. I am going through the chapters now and correcting major errors. " "Moony, you know me better than anyone," Sirius implored. "Wormtail came to find me, did you not, Wormtail?" Dumbledore does talk to Sirius and try to persuade him to let Harry back into Grimmauld Place, but he fails. I like the idea of Harry/Ginny and maybe making Hermione dark. The second year at Hogwarts was even worse. " Sirius replied proudly. Harry looked around the dark chamber, his expression cold. As he followed Harry out of Hogsmeade, he wondered why he had felt so…. However, it is all of us that are to blame. Read on to learn: 11 incredible times Snape protected Harry. ". "Don't you dare!" The sound drew Remus' attention. Sirius curled up into him and rested a now tear-covered face upon his sweater. Enjoy! October 31, 1981: "AVADA KEDAVRA!" with a jet of green light from Voldemort's wand, Lily Potter, wife of James Potter and mother of Harry James Potter Aug 3, 2008 · Albus nodded. It was time to become what he always meant to be. Review again, I love feedback. " Remus let out a watery smile at the potions' master, who rolled his eyes at the werewolf. Harry scoffed, "I guess you forgot that Pettigrew proved that you are a liar when he was under the Veritaserum, but just in case you forgot, he said you were the one to cast the Fidelius Charm making him the Secret Keeper, yet you told the Wizengamot that Sirius Black was the Secret Keeper. It never could. The following morning, Harry went into the secret room until they were ready to go. Time-travel, MAIN-pairing is HP/DG, Dark-Harry, Kind of evil Harry . Harry laughed as Sirius summoned his Firebolt. Within seconds the three were up in the air but the two men were amazed at Harry's skill on a broom. James Potter and Sirius Black had just noisily entered the room, earning themselves a hard look from the stern librarian, Madam Pince. So now Harry just had to wait until they could get out Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, Benedict Cumberbatch would play Snape, Harry, along with several other hot boys, would get 'private tutoring' during sixth year, and my fellow witches would all enjoy front row seats to Snape earning the title of 'Half Blood Prince'. When they had first returned, Draco had tried to pick on Harry. Remus had to act like nothing was wrong and was worried about Harry like the rest of us, but he also had to keep watch on Dumbledore to make sure he didn't try to imperius anyone 'But Remus isn't gay, you are, so I don't get it,' Harry could feel his body heat us as he watched Remus suck Sirius, 'Oh god,' he groaned loudly at what he was seeing because it was doing things to his body, making him hot. He ignored our will and I know he knows we have one since he told us all to create one. Harry wasn’t prepared for the rush of emotions that surged through him when he stared down at the chained and trembling form of Tom Riddle. Dumbledore, Weasley, Granger bashing. That lasted about a minute before Harry tossed Draco out the door, and gave Draco his own personal rain cloud for The One Where Sirius Tells Harry Not to Drink. "The one on the right upstairs, go on. ' Harry becomes an outcast during fourth year and ends up reaching out to new people to help him along the way. " So he helped end Voldemort. When Sirius left James had a broken nose. Harry grabbed it. Blood&Gore COMPLETE! Jun 8, 2008 · Severus just pulled Harry to him, he half expected Harry to shift away. " Now Harry just wanted to leave. Because of him, Voldemort attack backfired and ended him. Harry snorted at the Sep 1, 1991 · Harry responded by doubling Dobby's salary. You are going to stay away from Dumbledore. A little while ago Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley as well as Fred and George Weasley had left the order. Every time Snape stalks past Harry who is reading a book, curled up on the couch, the boy expects him to blow up. This far and no further! Harry versus Dumbledore! Love and Betrayal Harry Potter is a thief and a lawbreaker long before he gets his letter. 'All right, you caught me. Everyone he knew; the remaining Weasley family, Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore, even Hagrid, rejected Harry. Well, beyond okay, really. And things get wild. "It looks like someone pissed in there. Just a glimpse to see if he's okay. Dumbledore has planned his death out and put him up like a pig for slaughter. However, if Snape is able to overcome his anger and hatred, he might find his heart isn’t quite made of stone. It doesn't happen. He had been dying for a long time now, fully aware his time was coming to an end. Covers year seven and Auror training. Ron, wand on Harry, levitated him back into a standing position. Word Count: 109,175, not counting Author's Notes. " Harry did so, when it came to making potions Snape would rush to get things done. "He offered Harry security, Hermione. . If it weren’t for Snape, Harry probably wouldn’t have survived. I'm not sure yet but i will keep you posted as chapters progress. I have now updated the whole story and proof read it, so it should be good now. As quickly as 34. Taking a few deep breaths, Remus stood up, running his hands through his hair, and Lyall watched him sadly. " "Probably tastes worse than it looks. Jun 8, 2008 · "Harry!" said Remus and Sirius running over to the now young man. There was a squeal of pain from out in the corridor and a dumpy little man with a silver arm stumbled into the room. Harry let out an angry growl awaking Lucius and Severus. "Unless he is a Slytherin, then Merlin have mercy on Snape. Of course Sirius loved Harry as well. Once Harry's friends stopped hugging him, Sirius, Remus and Tonks pushed their way through. Fantastic. And the night he learned Pettigrew was alive, the night he learned Sirius hadn't betrayed anyone, Remus had almost gotten Harry killed. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. "We got a letter from Gringotts. Snape took the Portkey Dumbledore held out to him and followed Harry. main pairings: HP/DG,AnB/AmB Dumbledore opened his mouth to say something but Harry walked right past him and sat in the chair next to Ragnok's chair and Hermione quickly took the chair on the other side of him. They both snuggled into his side looking ready to go back to sleep when Lucius gagged. "I'm afraid so Sirius. Peter had dived for Snape's fallen wand. " Severus Snape looked up from the book he was reading in the library. When he knew Harry was in a deep sleep, only then did Sirius allow himself to sleep. A horrid image of Sirius with a werewolf sprang to the front of his mind, making him want to gag. "Come on Harry, stand up and let's get out of here," Sirius whispered even as his voice cracked halfway through. … Mar 26, 2018 · Harry held out his hand, and Severus handed him the letter. Harry has completed his duty by killing the dark lord Voldemort and is now feeling a hollowness in his soul after the loss of the horcrux. Sirius loves to tell Harry about his past with James and Remus and Harry loves hearing about them but when Harry seems hesitant to talk about his past, Sirius finds out just how bad his Godson had it for all those years he was locked away and finds out something heartbreaking that he intends to rectify immediately. That proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are Professor Severus Snape (9 January 1960 – 2 May 1998) was an English half-blood wizard serving as Potions Master (1981-1996), Head of Slytherin House (1981-1997), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster (1997-1998) of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater. Alice Longbottom (godmother) and family. Sirius said he had betrayed everyone and his children. Harry draws his line in the sand. ' Harry watched his godfather and Remus and wondered what they were talking about, but whatever it was Harry wasn't scared or nervous because he knew these two men will do Remus turned up and Sirius spoke quickly but quietly to him and said he would show him proof that Harry was telling the truth, so for now he just needed help. Harry/Multi, darkish, some Dumbledore bashing, rating may go up later. By Marietsy. The only thing that saved Snape from a bite—or worse—from the werewolf Remus became each full moon was James' courage, for when he learned what Sirius had done, he went Throughout Harry’s 7 years at Hogwarts… Snape made his dislike for him known. Your dad would be with us, the three of us at the same time. " Sirius Black's voice came through the now open door. Grey Harry Sirius, ever the prankster, thought it would be funny to tell Snape that he could press the knot on the Whomping Willow and find out where Remus dissappeared to every month. In the following order we wish Harry's guardianship to be: Sirius Black (godfather). And he endangered Harry by leaving him on a doorstep in a Muggle neighborhood in the middle of the night so anyone could take him!" She growled the last one. Apr 21, 2012 · For the first time since moving into the dungeons, Harry finds. No, he had gotten it right back in November of 1981. ""Never the less you will drink it. Harry had been married now for nine months and happy as ever. 'You're running away from the topic at hand though,' he pointed out. Andromeda Tonks Nee Black (favoured cousin of Yes, Harry had been aware about some of the things that Ron was doing. But Harry ignored him. However, he and Remus begin to notice odd and troubling behaviors from Harry. Dumbledore hadn't even been aware Harry had the ability making Harry fume as a bottle in the corner with a pain relief potion in it exploded. "Because as Albus has often pointed out Harry Potter is very important to the defeat of you-know-who and to the wizarding world in general, and Albus needed a way to coral him in so that he could train in his role in our world properly, instead of mayhem that would have been caused if Sirius, Remus, and that tart continued to advise him, and a On his 14th birthday Harry's life changes as he finds out that Snape is his father, and nearly everyone he has ever trusted in the Wizarding World have betrayed him somehow. Aug 27, 2024 · Harry's rape happened at the final battle, before Remus killed Fenrir Nobody knows that Harry was raped, other than Remus, because Remus recognized the look and smell of cum. Ron fainted and joined Harry on the bed but Hermione, obviously made of sterner stuff, was enraged. When Harry had asked them why they had left they looked at one another and said that he would find out soon. He finds out that those who he trusted betrayed him. Sirius—wonderful Sirius who was closer to Remus than he was to his own brother—sent Severus Snape down into the Whomping Willow when he knew very well who—or rather, what was at the end of the tunnel. Sirius has Harry, he has a way to make Remus listen. Harry is in his sixth year when he finds out his friends have betrayed him because he's a Horcrux. Apr 25, 2018 · He rushed back over to the fireplace, and this time, Harry willingly came with him. Snape, along with several other Death Eaters including the Carrows, Thorfinn Rowle and… Read More Jul 6, 2023 · Post Deathly Hallows Severus Snape Lives Harry gets betrayed, blah blah blah. Take care of my family, even if it is only Harry now. And yet, somehow, Harry is in front of him as well, face contorted into a callous expression he has never before seen in him. Harry was able to find out the truth about the Chamber of Secrets by Christmas. Now this is just the prologue, an introduction of how everything went down right up until where Remus and Sirius go to get Harry and take him to talk to Snape. He waited patiently, knowing that Voldemort would be here soon. Harry looked at the vial's contents and commented crudely. He had told Sirius to let Remus know he was willing to trust him. ' 'Why would Harry say he was abused if he wasn't, why would he say the blood protection won't work when it will?' Tonks asked. In the process, he ends up learning the truth about his infamous scar and how to fight his war. "I know this is hard but he's better then Rabastan is. It was the end. Severus Snape (childhood friend of Lily). To his surprise Harry did not, he snuggled into Sev the man he had fallen in love with, Severus sat for hours running his hand through Harry's hair whispering soothing words into his ear, making Harry shiver Severus thought he was cold, but it was not Severus voice caused it. After the disastrous end of Harry's third year, Sirius and Remus scheme to lift Harry's spirits by sending him to the United States to learn to be an animagus. Harry seemed to be a bit wary of him, which was understandable with all that had happened to him, but at the same time he was willing to give him a chance for the sole reason that he had been James's friend, and at times, he thought Sirius hadn't just decked him because of the little boy who sat patiently at his side while Remus tried to I think the combo of dark Harry/Snape father makes for a great story. This time Harry had two things to deal with. "Take care of yourself Moony. ' 'I'm sorry Sirius, I let him think I was dead, but I didn't expect him to make Hagrid carry me back. When Severus Snape finds out about Harry, he sees this as a chance to escape Dumbledore's control. He stood on his hind legs as Padfoot, holding Moony back as he clawed and fought to get at Well they'd either smarten up or be out on the streets. Less interest in Sirius adopting Harry/dating Remus/raising Harry equally with Remus rather than mainly himself because while I can enjoy that stuff I don't think it would happen canon wise even in an AU given Sirius/James relationship/the dynamic of the Marauders. Sirius returned a month later and was shocked when the children told him Harry had been disowned and given away. Sirius exclaimed. Post Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius chooses to hide in plain sight in order to have Harry with him for the summer instead forcing him to go back to the Dursleys. 5 days ago · Pettigrew, a traitor who had betrayed Sirius's best friend to their most hated enemy; Remus, prematurely aged by his condition and the harsh life he had led; Sirius, condemned for most of his adult life for another's crimes; and James, gone for fourteen long years—all lost, their dreams reduced to nothing more than ashes. He must be feeling terrible. It reassured the werewolf immensely though. Author: A Muggle-born Writer Rating: K+ Genre: Friendship Time-line: Marauders' Era at Hogwarts (1971-1978) Warnings: Peter bashing Pairings: None. Harry/Daphne, Neville/tbc. When Harry finds out that his life has all followed a plan that was written before he was born he sends himself back in time to achieve his revenge and rebel agianst dumbledore and finds love along the way. He sleeps by himself in the room that will belong to the Gryffindor fifth-year boys in September, and he practices magic by himself, and reads, and finishes up his summer assignments, and goes to the kitchens to spend time with Dobby when he absolutely can't stand 'I don't think you're going to talk Harry out of this Sirius, so maybe it's time for you to really settle down,' Remus smiled, 'But I've got to go see Dora, make sure they're okay,' Remus hugged Sirius then Harry, 'You are one brave bloke Harry, we'll get together tomorrow and talk, I want to hear everything. "I can't believe this. Harry's twin brother is regarded as the Boy-Who-Lived. Summary: Harry Potter has had many things in his life sacrificed by Albus Dumbledore for the greater good but what happens when Harry accidentally finds out that what Dumbledore is planing for Harry to sacrifice next. hurt at Harry's vehement protests at having to go to his house. You're our friend. He called when Dudley told him he moved in with his new girlfriend after he and his parents had an argument about his behavior and how he was changing, which upset Vernon considering he loved having a mini-clone of himself. I'm trying to find, when Harry found out that Sirius nearly killed Snape by making him go down the Whomping Willow to where Remus was in werewolf form? Merlin, I HATE Dumbledore so much for making him do this! Remus suffers from this enough already and now with the last few months. Aug 30, 2012 · Harry grows up in Azkaban feeling nothing but anger towards the ones who put him in hell. They entered the house and Marauder went mad with Just because Lily would never want anything to do with him again and would surely make James choose between being friends with him and dating her, and James would of course choose Lily, and Sirius would follow James in his decision, as would Peter, of course, and Remus would be alone in the world and the full moon would once more become a hell Author's Note: DISCLAIMER: I do not own the world OR characters of JK Rowling — I'm just playing with them. "Your pregnant?!" said Sirius and Remus wide eyed together. I can't believe that you're making me marry Snape tonight. "How could you just give Harry away to him like that?" Remus took a deep breath and looked her straight into the eyes. After an encounter with Harry during which Snape admits he was the Half-Blood Prince and shouts that Harry should not call him a coward, Buckbeak the hippogriff attacks Snape and chases him back towards the Hogwarts gates. Does not take into account HBP. Found out part of his secret, then betrayed him and died believing he made the dark lords death possible. "Thank you, Mr. "We don't need the ministry getting word until you're wed, so if you can trust Draco to keep his mouth shut, you can tell him. Upon discovering he's a wizard, he sets out for the wizarding world - but he's doing things his way. It was simple with a closet, a bed, and nightstand and dresser. Harry knew he would. I open at the close it said. "Stay away Remus" Dumbledore had said. We sent him there, even though he had pleaded innocence to the very end. It took a while to convince Dobby, but when Harry stated that it wasn't only for Dobby's benefit, but for Harry and Remus as well if Dobby became proficient at brewing that Dobby finally gave in. Sirius went off at James and declared James was no longer his brother. Jun 29, 2010 · Author's Note: This is an AU where Severus Snape, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin raise Harry from when he is a few months before his fifth birthday and onward. The resulting understanding between Harry and Snape is critical to destroying Voldemort and leads to an offer of adoption. ' Sirius' face suddenly became sour. Alyanna: You are right, Voldemort won't kill Harry, I wouldn't have a story if he did. Then Harry finds out that his teacher, Remus Lupin was also good friends with his parents. The rage the Wizarding World felt at their savior's betrayal was overwhelming; they demanded blood. Dumbledore has no idea what his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys has wrought. He saved Harry’s life on multiple occasions. However, they were both looking at different people; Sirius was looking at Harry and Remus at Alice. "Harry! Run!" "But Pettigrew!" Sirius took the wand from him. Sirius told me that the last time he can remember that Remus was like this was back in second year when they found out about him and he was sure they'd hate him. At 13 years old and during the summer after his first year, Harry discovers his powers and abilities that he didn't know he had. Harry Potter is a good and honest young man; I'm praying that he will spare your life. After trying to open the snitch for several minutes he discovered that putting it in his mouth had been the answer as it was the same damn snitch he had nearly swallowed in his first year and Dumbledore obviously had a very unusual sense of humor. " Draco eagerly took the seat across from the duo. When Dumbledore finds out his mistake, it's to late. "Remus," Harry had gone to visit him five days later, "I got a Firebolt broom for Christmas. Remus the werewolf, who didn't have a shred of humanity in him and who would quite literally leap at the chance for the plaything Sirius Sep 24, 2022 · "He joined up, served for a bit, was asked to borrow Kreature. "If you will bring the prisoner with you, I will lead you to his cell. ' 'I don't know what to make of any of this, but I need to find my godson. "Harry is having enough problems without being actively associated with a Werewolf. " Remus nodded his head, knowing that James could not see him. Albus Dumbledore was dying. The trunk rifling, the spying, the preventing him from making friends even in his own house, making him goof off and not study or do his homework until the last minute and forcing Harry into fighting with Malfoy when Harry desperately tried to avoid it. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,716 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 3/29/2004 - Published: 4/18/2003 - Harry P. Remus flinched slightly at Sirius' words. Being reposted, so chapter numbers may shift. He could see the man flinch and stilled his movements. Sirius noticed that and said, 'Calm down, I'm not gonna kick you out. This just a little something that I started (back in February of 2018) due to the fact that I've been seeing a lot tumblr posts on my feed lately about the idea of how much better Harry's life would have been if he had been raised by Sirius and/or Remus like he was supposed to be. What he ends up with is a girlfriend and a new lease on life with the freedom he has never had before. Harry is past forgiveness, he is beyond redemption. It took a couple of moments for Harry to realize what Remus meant. The title refers to Albus and the Order. "You know I've never really loved a woman, but I do love Ginny. He looked at the seal. This is a Voldemort-free AU, Snape has never been a Death Eater, and Harry is being brought up happily by his parents. Jun 30, 2020 · Sirius didn't answer. It was happening all over again, only this time it was Harry and not Sirius who was betrayed. " …---ooo000ooo---… Remus Lupin sat in his small apartment staring into the fire. Follow him on his journey as he makes new friends, finds a new family, and he is actually given the help he needs. Without answers from the source, Sirius turns to Harry's previous guardians--Molly and Arthur Weasley--and learns Harry is still making adjustments from his time with the Dursley's. Remus was finding Sirius more passed out then not even with Remus and his wife Tonks who he finally told her he loved her and her name was on his arm. They both looked up at him letting out small sounds of fright at the sudden noises. Severus felt his lip automatically curl into a sneer. Remus, his best friend, wrapped an arm around the only remaining Marauder besides himself. 'No he isn't, but he realised it does help when he's stressed. He landed in the middle of Hogsmeade and saw Harry heading down the main road of Hogsmeade. Quickly he wiped his tearstained face and softly whispered to Harry, "Please stand up Harry, let's get out of here. Harry accidentally discovers Snape is madly in love with him, simple as that. No one is aware of Harry, whose very existence has been forgotten, except by the Potter house elves. " Lily explained. Harry was able to thwart this plan and his fame grew. Alternative Year Six Story. 'You scared the life out of me Harry. , Draco M. A large part of Dumbledore, the part which had been humbled by the realisation his delusions of grandeur accrued by the fight with Gellert Grindelwald, of being one of the leaders of a new world order where wizards, no longer fearing the muggles, could finally guide the He stops by Surrey just to take a quick look at Harry. Before stepping through the fireplace, he looked around at the house that he and Harry had shared for ten long years. "How will she get him out?" Sirius continued, not noticing that Remus' thoughts having taken a darker turn. He is relieved when the man doesn't order him to get out, Harry almost expects him to. I am proud of that. HARRY'S BETRAYAL. At least Dumbledore was never aware of this fact as Vernon always spouted about how much he owned the house. Pulling a vial containing a pale yellow liquid out of his robe pocket, Snape helped Harry sit up and handed the vial to him. Takes place after the debacle in the DOM. "Shh my darlings your safe I promise. "I did love him, Remus, but I fell out of love with Harry Potter years ago. Harry needs rescuing by Dumbledore and Snape. He was tired of the greasy slimeball's constant questions and told him about the Whomping Willow out of annoyance and a desire to shut him up more than for his own amusement. Sirius wrapped his arms around his godson, holding him tight. He was going to die. He decided to just follow him for now. Being betrayed by friends, loosing his heart and mind to the Dementors, will Harry rise up to defeat Voldemort, or fall into a void of no return? Chp 2 redone. It was Wormtail. Harry let Sirius side Apparate him back to Devon. Harry deserved better than Remus. From Remus’s perspective, yes Sirius loves James, but Remus once thought Sirius loved him too, and he still betrayed him, didn’t he? When the Potters are murdered, both of them think that their judgment was proven correct. Sirius stayed watching Harry as he curled up beside him. Sirius I think you should write to him, tell Harry to come here and we'll work this out. The thrill of seeing his enemy brought so low, the fury as images of Sirius, Remus, and his parents flashed through his mind, and possessiveness took hold. Taking out the snitch Dumbledore had left him, he read the inscription once more. Thanks for the review. Mostly AUs of Sirius rescuing/raising Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. 'He's better than James,' Remus grinned as he hoovered watching Harry. DarkHarry. Harry Potter found himself in the Shrieking Shack with his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin, and an escaped convict who also happened to be his godfather, Sirius Black. Remus Lupin (family friend). The person actually guilty of the crimes that had sent Sirius Black to Azkaban. ' Harry sighed in relief. But Remus will help. The incidents within the chamber of secrets and the knowledge that he was being hunted by escaped criminal Sirius Black. "Of course," Remus continued, "as long as Sirius changes into Padfoot in time, things are okay. Stories in which Sirius, free, not, or both, is in a position to take care of, and be the parent that Harry needs, wants, and deserves. But the moment I saw you here, I was scared. My heart could never be his, not in the way he wanted. Revenge. No Sirius deaths, unless the story has a good plot and Harry spends a lot of time having a father figure. There had been no one to save him, and the courts sentenced him to serve a lifetime in Azkaban. One of the Death Eaters moved impatiently and Harry glared at him. Weasley. He finds out about his true self, soul bond and true friends and family. HP/DG/TD fanfic. " Albus stood and came to him. " Ron and Harry followed Sirius Black through the halls and down stairs to one of the lower dungeons where there was a secure cell. Captivated by the little boy, he takes it upon himself to give Harry the father he needs. "Leave him alone" said Alice coming out of no where. If he stays out there too long Voldemort will find him. Guilt ate at him as he thought of how he believed that Sirius was guilty. " Remus thinks Harry could do better, but as it’s him or death, he’s going to devote his life to making Harry happy. He winced at the feeling of being pressed through a tube as they landed just outside of the property wards and made their way up the drive to Black Cottage, Harry pulling his trunk behind him. MW/RW/GMW/AD bashing. Collection of most perfect Sirius Harry stories I've found. Harry shrunk back in his seat slightly and waited for Sirius to kick him out. Disclaimer: The Marauders aren't mine, because if they were, the Harry Potter series would have a prequel named "The Marauders: a story of friendship. So while Snape looks like the villain for the most part… Well, he actually isn’t. Okay, let's start by making Harry relax with stories of his parents, let's tell him exactly what Prongs was like and how he got Lily to go out with him in the first place. ieijczk vjspftr qozov jlufu lvv vsqvuo widex auzvfr pmkaq ckh

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